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Stop the spread of Coronavirus: adopt the ‘Namaste’ of Hinduism

Stop the spread of Coronavirus: adopt the ‘Namaste’ of Hinduism

Stop the spread of Coronavirus: adopt the ‘Namaste’ of Hinduism

Corona virus has spread all over the world and the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global emergency. By the way, other diseases are also known more than this, but is being treated as deadliest because there is no cure for it. Prevention is better than cure, so stopping its spread is still a priority.
There are several reasons of spread of the coronavirus, but the main reasons are physical contact, knowingly or unknowingly. Physical contact when people touch each other while they meet. If they have the Corona virus in their hands, they can also infect other healthy people. If there is sneezing in a cold cough and people do not cover their nose or mouth and some people cover their nose with their hands while they sneeze and then touch the other man. Due to coughing or sneezing, small drops of liquid are released and may contain corona virus. Then, while meeting with other people, they simply shook hands and spread the virus. Some people hug while they meet and greet each other by joining their cheeks.

As discussed earlier, there is no cure for corona virus at this time, so we need to focus on prevention of one. After all, while meeting each other, how to make a distance and to greet. Instead of greeting a person with a handshake and hug, respect the soul by joining hands in Namaste to show gratitude. This can be done from 12 to 20 feet distance.

Hinduism is the most ancient religion in this world and its rules have been made based on science. But people all over the world consider such an imaginary so that its propagation is stopped. If we see, in all over the world, whenever there is excavation, during archaeological survey the ancient civilization found as Hinduism. 

Hindus were spread all over the world but truly that time there was no word as “Hindu” it was “Sanatan” and Sanatan is not religion, but it is spirituality to get “Mokshya”. “Mokshya” is ultimate target of humans to get freedom and merge in “Brahma”. But, at this time, we will only discuss about how to do Namaste of Hinduism so that we can avoid the spread of corona virus.

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What is ‘Namaste’ of Hinduism

Namaste’ is the Hindu way of honouring peoples each other. Whenever Hindus meet each other and want to start a conversation, they greet courtesy as "Namaste". Namaste, this is one of the six forms of Pranayama. Namaste also means a beautiful and powerful psycho-spiritual.

Namaste is a way of showing respect and pass message of equality. It promote equality in society and teaches to respect each other. Namaste doesn’t mean a posture for praying to god, but it is symbol of respect and equality. In this, the dignity of someone is also respected.

In Hindu ‘Vedas’ the word ‘Namaste’ or ‘Namaskaram’ is made up by joining two word as 'Namah' means 'to bow down, forget everything, it’s not mine…..' and ‘ste” mean respect the energy/ soul not body. The word "Namah" has another literal meaning "Na Maa" meaning not mine. It shows that we must deny the ego and we are all one.

We all know that there are pressure points in the palms of our hands. Pressing these pressure points can also cure many diseases. Whenever we do namaste and both hands meet, then the tips of our fingers are met with each other and there is pressure on them. This pressure awakens our consciousness or nervous system, stimulates the brain and our memory is attached to the brain cells.

What is ‘Namaste’ of Hinduism

To meet and greet someone casually, it is really a mind-to-mind meeting and when we greet each other with a Namaste, it means, our minds meet. Greeting your head bending is a great form of cultivating friendship in love, respect and humility.

While doing Namaste, keep distance from each other so that cultural tradition can be honoured.
keep distance from each other so that cultural tradition can be honoured

According to Hindu spirituality, life force, divinity, self or God in me is the same among all people. Not all fingers of the palms are the same, but when we say Namaste, by acknowledging this unity and equality with meeting those fingers right now, we honor God in the person we meet. It indicates the recognition of divinity within itself and gives a warm welcome to each other.
Hindus join both hands during prayer and also bow their eyes, so that they see/feel their inner soul.


We can stop the spread of Corona virus by simply following the Namaste of Hinduism. 

In Namaste, there is no handshaking or hug thus It prevents peoples to contact physically.
no handshaking

It allows peoples to respect each other and greet without physical contact.
It allows peoples to maintain safe distance without compromising their relation, values and egos.

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